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Shafton Steel Services

Shafton Steel Services is a large independent steel services and processing centre based in Barnsley, South Yorkshire.

Shafton Steel Services – Profilers & Processors

Shafton Steel quickly established itself as major regional supplier to the fabrication, engineering and manufacturing sectors specialising in the supply of profiled plate (up to 300mm), bars and fittings.

We are one of the best equipped steel service centres in the UK. We continue to invest in the leading technology for cutting, drilling, profiling, shotblasting and priming equipment to service our customers. This has been recently added to with a new Voortman plasma machine which is capable of bevel edge cutting and weld preparation to reduce both cost and lead time for our customers where follow on processes are required.

Our experienced technical and operational teams pride themselves on providing the highest quality of product and service, quickly and reliably. We have enhanced this through the securing of CE marking up to and including execution class 4.

Want to know more? Get in touch with us today...

Call our team with any queries or feedback on +44 (0) 1226 340 666

Contact Billington Structures LTD