On Friday 9th September, local companies Billington Structures, Shafton Steel Services and hoard-it, invited friends and families of employees to the first hog roast fundraiser event held in Wombwell, Barnsley. These companies form part of the Billington Holdings Plc Group.
The event was held to show the Group’s appreciation and gratitude to its employees for their continued hard work, and the fundraising activities were dedicated to raising awareness of Barnsley Hospice. The Hospice is a charity that provides specialist palliative care and support to hundreds of local people and their families each year, to help improve their quality of life by providing pain and symptom relief, spiritual and social support, counselling and bereavement services.
During the day, employees and families participated in a range of activities including a raffle, with prizes being generously donated from Billington and its suppliers. The raffle, along with charitable donations from guests, raised a fantastic £1,516.29.
The money raised from Friday’s event will contribute to the continued care and specialist support provided by Barnsley Hospice to the local community.

Sam Silverwood from Barnsley Hospice accepting a cheque from Mark Smith, MD at Billington Structures Ltd